A Next-Generation Manufacturing Solution

When Salesforce represents its manufacturing cloud with the tagline “Deliver transparency & collaboration from anywhere”, it says all how in-depth they know the need of manufacturing businesses.

It's been just a year when digitalisation sounds unfair for the manufacturing industry. But today, the industry that depended on personal interaction for generations is not only living but flourishing digitally. Maybe this is the reason, even after the Global Pandemic, 2021 is a growth year for manufacturing businesses.  

But the question is, how come they survive it? Well, as numbers give strategies to shape, let’s collect some numeric evidence first.

Do you know 66% of manufacturing enterprises from 17 countries report using cloud implementation?

And when it comes to Cloud, Salesforce is here for rescue again with a smashing solution known as Salesforce Manufacturing Cloud.

Let’s elaborate further!

Elaborating Salesforce Manufacturing Cloud-

The Salesforce Cloud is a next-generation solution specially designed for manufacturers to combine account planning, greater transparency and collaboration. Apart from that, the cloud provides a clearer picture of customers, manufacturer plan, forecast and predict a better outcome.

Why Salesforce Manufacturing Cloud?

A successful manufacturing process always travels through quality products that meet customers' demands, wherein manufacturing clouds offer both assets.

Let’s count the points to collect the reasons to use this amazing Salesforce CRM Solutions.

Point to collect:

  • Provide visibility into a complete book of business for customers
  • Include all run-rate business, current business and new opportunities
  • Solution for operators in better procure and process  
  • Offer more predictable business and accurate forecast
  • Help to offer accurate availability, pricing and delivery
  • Solution for a distribution partner in the shape of optimised delivery channels  
  • Solution for sales teams in case of pricing-based on real-time volume assumptions
  • Keep informed of all past shipments and current & future product production forecast
  • Multi-system information, including supply chains, planning system, CRM and ERP  
  • Manage various teams involved in manufacturing that are not accurately represent

Read also : How to Restructure B2B Commerce for Manufacturers & Distributors with Salesforce?

How Cloud help the manufacturing industry?

  • Enhance transparency in business-

With the sales agreement feature of the cloud, you can get a complete view of your run-rate business, including:

  • Time duration
  • Product
  • Planned quantity
  • Price  
  • Track account performance

All this, buy a virtual medium from the back office, there is no confusion in account but a single trustable source of truth.   

  • Surface insights of the entire business-

Account-based systems help to break-down internal septations that offer more accurate sales, operational and financial forecasts. The real-time broadcast of marketers demands, updates of customers changing demands, serve a distinct level of accuracy.

Apart from this, makers integrate the ground zero distributors in pre-built community tempest, forecast collaboration processes, and dealers can mention the traditional source of customers' demands.  

  • CRM power specially designed for manufacturing-

To serve a 360° view, your account team offers enormous amounts of power with intelligent field service, channel management, life cycle marketing, and B2B commerce. Also, the counting strength in the shape of einstein analytics serves a better intelligence approach for critical data, including health, price, presentation, sales agreement progress, product and demands.

The above-voiced features serve exactly what the manufacturing cloud made for real-time engagement, collaboration and transparency in the system.

Final Thought!

From accelerating the transparency of run-rate businesses, manufacturing cloud surface insights across your entire business. All available in developer, enterprise & unlimited edition, it also leverages the power of a complete CRM designed for manufacturing.

So now you must have at least some idea about how Salesforce Cloud unlocking growth in 2021 for manufacturing businesses.