Salesforce CRM supports customer strategies


In this customer-oriented market, if you don't have a customer-focused business strategy, no matter what tool you use, superior customer value will be always missing from your relationship with customers. Thus, to match customers' expectations on the same level and create a winning CRM strategy, Salesforce CRM brings the solutions.

In this blog, we will drive you through the complete route of how Salesforce CRM strategy and Salesforce help you with the same.

Customer-centric strategy with Salesforce CRM

Find the right customers for you- Without salesforce support services, reps have to spend hours attracting and generating leads from the right sources. Even though they don't know which lead is the hottest and which needs to start from scratch. Most probably, if they get them, how would you ensure if they hand over them to the sales team timely? In this rapidly growing competition, let you handle all marketing tools like automation, social and email while connecting them to the CRM platform.

Also, to make the system efficient, it provides a complete overview of both sales and marketing teams to create better engaging communication and fact decisions.

Did you know? According to the Salesforce Relationship survey using Salesforce, CRM companies may experience:

  • 27% hike in their lead volume
  • 30% hike in lead conversion
  • 28% campaign development
  • 25% increase in Marketing RTO

Build more sustainable relationships- For building strong relationships with your customers, you need to have a deep understanding of their business and company history. CRM systems help organisations to do so. Here is how?

  • Helps to explore their challenges, preferences and goals.
  • Pick up the records, follow-up actions and notes of your CRM system so you can quickly start from where you left.
  • Improves engagement and relevance so you can recommend and promote products better with after-sell information and customer experience.
  • A scale-up one-to-one relationship with personalised services by hosting email templates, setting up task reminders, and enabling phone calls faster and easier.

Reduce the cost of sales- For continued growth, new, present customer and customer re-tensioning are crucial to maintaining. However, these processes are high-cost and time-consuming. But the good news is, with Salesforce CRM, you can offset the new customer acquisition costs through sales for an existing customer base. Apart from this, you can gain visibility into upsell, cross-sell, and repeatable sales.

Here is how Salesforce CRM improves sales:

  • Analysis which leads you should priorities as per high chances of conversion
  • Examine the right time to reach out to the optimal customers for better engagement
  • Boost the opportunities of cross-selling and up-sell
  • Save time from calling cold-leads by uncovering referral business

Did you know the probability to sell the existing customers is 60% to 70% rather than the new one which is only 5% to 20%?

Offer better customer service- Do you know 55% of customers have no problem paying extra if they get better customer service. Maximum time customers only spell a product is an excellent product with quality customer service. Stopping the unworthy marketing promotions that only annoy your customers, but in time with valuable products & customer service. All you have to do is get the complete purchasing history of your customer and deliver the personalized messages and solutions. Targeting with the right resources, smoother interactions and trust, the Salesforce CRM builds an efficient way to offer better customer service.

Here are some statistics from the Salesforce Relationship Service Survey about how This CRM helps in:

  • Decrease support cost by 22%
  • Help in customer retention 26%
  • Provide faster care resolution 31%
  • Increase customer satisfaction by 35%

Increase productivity of employees- Free up your teams from a heavy-processing task while offering more time to connect with customers. Where manual operations such as gathering information, enticing data consume lots of time, adopting technology eliminates the process by producing it automatically. The automatic sales, services and marketing process gives your sales team extra time to build strong relationships with existing customers.

Wrapping up!

All in all, CRM is a highly advanced tool, which can serve a lot with a detailed and flexible business strategy. From helping you to place your customers on the major focus of your business, it helps to build a potential relationship with customers. Apart from that, not only CRM but disciplinary, a right mindset of employees also drive a business towards the transformation.