How AI is Transforming SalesArtificial Intelligence has transformed old-age sales strategies completely. Where technological innovations are making personalized engagements more effective to tap potential customers. It also helps to predict or would say calculate each selling possibility. And then recommend the best & accurate to the sales representative.

AI, where one hand makes it easy to explore products. It also has the potential to transform sales forever. The power to tailor strategies for each customer's intent and serve the best possible is truly worth spending. 

“Today, calling it AI prediction is questioning the potential, so we call it a calculation, as it is much more truthful than ever before.”

Short insights on AI sales transformation- 

  1. Appeal to the right customer, improve prospectively, and lead qualifying. 
  2. Boost sales value content with enhanced content management.
  3. Amplify salesforce with optimized onboarding training.
  4. Automate secondary tasks and clear the focus on selling. 

AI tools and support- 

1) Sales strategies to personalization- To know the perfect time to reach out to the prospect and the importance of value, should be sales strategies. Previously, a sales representative relies on the experience and urge to engage with prospects. But when sales reps have AI tools in hand, they can handle it in a better way with the help of customer data.

The unstructured data such as social media posts, emails, sales meeting minutes all can point to the customer's emotions. When these are combined, all factors such as annual revenue, competitor, territory are easy to solve. And the tools like Einstein Account Insights and Einstein Opportunity Insights make it lead to the best.

2) Better lead prioritization- To predict leads, it's important to understand the behavior of customers. And that's how Salesforce tools work in the field of AI. 

  • Behaviour analyzation- To understand the interaction of potential buyers and companies is critical to check for their behavior. It helps to know which customer is interested in your pages. Also, it analyzes if your product page attracts more or the homepage. 
  • Information of company-  Annual revenue, recent mergers, leads, and all other factors play an equal role in the case of B2B enterprise. 
  • Engagement- How frequently your leads or customers showing attraction with your products, is known as engagement. For example, if any visitor is subscribing to your newsletter, then it means it's engaging with your product or service in the most possible way.

3) Better insights with automation- Salesforce CRM software is the best tool to collect structured data. But when it comes to unstructured such as emails, calendar events, minutes of meetings, it often fails to capture them efficiently. As activity data is also useful for clear customer insights, performing it manually can be time-consuming. Which breaks enterprise dreams to sell more and more in less time. 

The part of the time spent on selling is 33%. However, the rest is distributed between researching, entering information, and generating quotes. 

Salesforces’ Sales cloud uses so much when it comes to AI, such as Einstein Activity capture to sync all calendar events and emails. It manages the data entry tasks for the sales team and leads it to higher productivity and sales. And boost sales by providing information in real-time. 
4) Accurate forecasting for optimized sales strategy- For result-driven decisions, an accurate forecast is the foremost way to focus. While using AI tools, sales teams don’t have to lead blindfolded and can predict accurately. They can calculate the revenue and generate it in the end. These calculations are all based on an array of factors such as previous sales performance, customer shopping history, and records. 

And such wise, if you’re using Einstein Forecasting, real-time insights is what bends it to accuracy. With this Salesforce tool, the sales team has an innate dashboard that offers all visible insights with its graphical interpretations. 

AI is transforming sales already, where are you?

AI is not a future-talk anymore, it's already here. Even 80% of eCommerce customer interaction will be managed with AI in 2021. The effective algorithms, smart & integrated selling solutions, and comprehensive analytics are improving the decision-making of sales reps. 

Don't let your business stuck in the 20%, consult Atocloud, and get support from Salesforce experts today!